Investment Funds with
ThinkAlternative philosophy

Talent Funds
Altarius Prime Value Fund









Value Investing Alternative Investment Fund

Altarius Prime Value Fund is an alternative investment fund that seeks to achieve satisfactory and sustained returns over time by applying the Value Investing philosophy.

It is a fund that selects assets undervalued by the market with high potential for appreciation, thoroughly analysing each company and determining an intrinsic value which will help in the decision making process.

Fund Information
Ticker: ALPRAIU LX Equity.
ISIN: LU17559998.
Currency: US Dollar.
Investment: 125.000,00 USD
Liquidation:: Weekly
Gestión: 1,85%
Performance:: 0,00%


The risk policy is based on estimating and weighting risks (leverage, concentration, volatility, etc) through the various strategies applied, which are continuously monitored.


Among other measures, risk exposure is measured through leverage and is limited to a 5:1 ratio based on the commitment method and a 15:1 ratio based on the gross method. Concentrations per issuer and/or underlying are limited to 30% of assets under management.

The management company and the depositary (custody of assets) are subjected to regulatory control and supervision.

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